Gallery Lock
Hide Photos & Videos

Gallery Lock-Hide Pictures & Videos is a light but powerful privacy protection app to hide and encrypt pictures and videos behind password. Keep safe your gallery and no need to worry when giving your smartphone to friends and family when Gallery Lock-Hide Pictures & Videos privacy app installed on your phone.


Hide & Lock

Hide & lock picture & videos to keep your privacy safe

Private Cloud

Encrypted private clouds can safely synchronize photos, albums and videos on all devices..


Lock apps with passwords and prevent privacy from being exposed by snoopers.

fake cover

Support calculator fake cover and no one knows the existence of gallery vault.

Collect from 网站模板


Hide photos & videos using password or PIN code
Fake Cover with Calculator icon.
Folder Manager to manage locked items.
Photo Vault - Hide Photos & Videos Premium's Exclusive Features:
-Unlimited privacy space for personal photos and videos.
-No annoying advertisements (ads-free).

Explore. Gallery Lock in action
Just try it for yourself

People talking about #Gallery Lock

Join our #Gallery Lock adventure. Meet up in London this Saturday! Spread the word and join us for fun.

Users loving #Gallery Lock

Joining this weekend's #Gallery Lock fun! @emmy_lemmy bring your dogs, we can make it a fun walk!

Folks enjoying #Gallery Lock

Nothing to fear, the new #Gallery Lock has my tiny street covered, so cool and such a powerful app.

exclusive features

  • Album lock
  • Private Cloud
  • Burst alert
  • Fake needle
  • AppLock